Monday, April 7, 2008



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1. Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?
The main characters in this novel contain a lot of characters of little boys.

Just to name a few;

Ralph: He is twelve years old who is elected to be the leader of the group, in the beginning of the novel. He is quite mature for his age and he plans to build a civilization of his own until they are rescued from the island. He was picked the leader because the boys knew that he would be the most mature and have good leadership skills in him to do the right thing. As in the other boys (the choir boys), they are concerned with just playing around the island and not doing any work. He is mostly the leader who keeps himself together. He never would follow any other rules to be in the band wagon with the other children, although he was just left with Piggy and Simon as his only companions.

Jack: Jack is the rebellious boy of the pack. At first, when he lost the election to Ralph he was furious. So then became the leader of the hunters. As a leader, you should’ve been able to catch animals but when he failed, he became more barbaric. Then as the novel progresses, he wants more and more power. As he tries to get gain full power, he is the first one to be influenced by violent thoughts and knew that the more savage-like he became, he caught more animals.

Simon: He is known as someone who doesn’t take sides and is just a good willed person. He doesn’t take sides because he doesn’t want to be involved in fights. Simon is in his own way, by that I mean he’s in his own world of peace and kindness. Since he doesn’t stand on any side of the pack, he’s the first one to realize the problem during the lord of the flies.

In this story, I had different thoughts about the characters all through the novel. The personalities of the boys were changing all through the novel. At first I liked Jack because I seem to like people who are rebellious. But near the end I found out that Jack was being too rebellious. It wasn’t even being rebellious; it was just completely being another person and jeopardizing the group of surviving. Near the end and middle I started to like Jack and Simon because they were doing the right things. This shows us why a lot of people rebel. They want their own pride. Any human being is selfish enough to want to have more power and gain them.


2. What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood of this novel is very unique. It changes throughout the novel for me. When I first read this book, I felt a sort of mixed feelings as if I was the boys. I was very sad because the airplane that was supposed to evacuate them to safety have been shot down into a deserted island. Although it’s harsh, I felt their excitement at the same time. It would seem sensational living somewhere with a group of your friends in a deserted island. The best part is you can feel like a real adult and find your own food and water to live on.
As the boys start out living in the deserted island, they slowly realize it wasn’t as they thought it’d be. The mood slowly changes into a dark sensational feeling through mostly the rest of the novel. It started when Jack strongly rebelled against Ralph and his crew. Many of the boys started to get influenced by it. You feel more comfortable with someone who is a strong leader of the pack so they started to make Jack the leader. This caused a big domino of a dark and malicious feeling through out. You could feel the tension between the boys. Even though they were in one group, they weren’t feeling like they were a part of a group. The boys always had to watch their backs because they were scared something might’ve happened to them. You shouldn’t want to feel that way because that’s what being in a group is all about. Near the end of the story, when the solider comes to rescue them, the whole mood of darkness and violence seemed to be fading away. It felt like when the solider came back to rescue them, it was like hugging their parents as a relief and letting all your feels out. This is one of the importances of having parents.


3. Entry of your choice.

I really liked this novel because it showed the influences of society through an adventurous story. The human universal questions are answered through his book. I haven’t read such a unique story like this in my life. If there are stories like these, they mostly just go straight to the setting of a society possibly at school or a work place. But I could see that this novel is different from any other interesting stories with the same theme.

The main theme of the story truly got me thinking about the scriptures and stories of the bible. The Lord of the flies shows us the inherent evil of man with no moral compasses. We humans will always go back to their primal urges and desires of sins. We have a loss of innocence and this relates to the story of the Lord of the Flies to the story of Adam and Eve. Eve was tempted by the snake in to eat the apple in the tree and before thinking about it she sinned. Then when the influence of Eve to Adam shows us the influence when Jack had become to leader and he too influenced the other children to join him. The loss of innocence was when Eve and Adam both realized that they were naked when they finished eating the apple. This compares to when they killed the kid. They realized how valuable life was and how they could be so violent.


4. Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

Although his novel only has one setting, it brought a lot of emotions into my mind. At first when you imagine the slight breeze of school boys walking out of the misty fog and in the back of them is the plane that had crashed. You could imagine them like from the drama Lost. At first that kind of setting got me to think of happy pleasant thoughts of a tropical island. You could just feel the warm sand between your toes and the waves’ running back and fourth with the misty bubbles of the water touching your toes and over your sandals. Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of the novel. Later on when conflicted started to erode, it wasn’t very pleasant. The hunters (Jack’s pack of choir boys whose jobs were to hunt for food) were very violent.

There was a point where Jack wasn’t used to the killing and violence of things because he was just an innocent English school boy going to school without having to think about anything like that. There was a point where he had caught a pig and if he didn’t kill it in that second it would get away. Jack just couldn’t kill the poor innocent animal. That was when the whole setting of the book started to feel dark. Something overcame inside him that was like anger. He was mad at himself because he was supposed to be the leader of the pack and it seemed like he was too chicken to kill the pig. You could see he was ashamed of himself and he just wanted to do anything to not become so weak hearted. That’s when he turned savage like with no heart. I thought this was very strongly affected to me because it really showed me how people under pressure feel. If it’s not you then you don’t care. But thinking about other people, you could feel that pressure could change how they react and how they can change just in a situation like that.


5. What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of this novel is that society affects the way people react. It takes a lot of heart to do what’s right. Just like how Jack influences most of the boys. When Jack’s hunger and thirst driven for power makes him like a savage. Slowly before he knows it, the wilderness turns him greedy and hungrier for power as he goes along the novel. As the hunter boys start to complain about how hard living on the island is, that’s when Jack influences them. So as he starts to influence them, Ralph is left alone along with Piggy as his only companion. This theme just covers the whole human society of how they react. It is to tell us that you should follow your heart no matter what the situation you’re in. Just do the right thing and it will all be okay.

This theme is one of the most important themes for a teenager living in this world today. These days, we teenagers are seeing role models in different ways. We see them as celebrity stars or people who we think have great physique to look up to. It is all controlled by the media for us to think this way. This explains a lot about why the 21st century has a lot of sins. They follow what everyone else does and if it’s not acceptable in the society, you become an outcast. Being an outcast is more than just not having friends, but wasting your life with nothing to do. These days, many teenagers’ goals are not to become outcasts. They know what the consequences are of being one, so they follow the bandwagon of what everyone else does. For example, there are a lot of girls who feel they need to lose weight and possibly be anorexic to look pretty. What they don’t know is that being anorexic looks extremely bad. This is what blinds you in society. You don’t realize that it’s happening to you, and you realize when you start to regret about your life.


6. Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?
There are a lot of events that are going around the world. One of the main events that affects a lot of people these days are Hollywood celebrities mostly in the United States. These celebrities are affected by both the criticism of the media and a lot of them are affected by us. What we don’t know is that we judge someone everyday without knowing who they really are. This issue has caused a lot of problems within a lot of people. This relates to the novel because society and the whole meaning of the bandwagon affects a lot of problems amongst people. So when Jack turned against Ralph, a couple of people were on Jack’s side. Jack seemingly a stronger leader than Ralph; one by one they were affected by the influence and pressure of joining Jack. This is just like our modern day society. The strongest one wins no matter what the problem is. Just like the modern day anorexic celebrities and models. They are influenced so much by the media because they have their pictures in magazines and they call them fat. You’re never really perfect to the media. You’re either too fat or too skinny, and I think that is a problem that is influencing too many people these days.
This problem should be resolved by the celebrities. If the media won’t stop their criticism, they celebrities should be an example by following their own ways. If they gained a little bit of weight, they shouldn’t starve themselves to be anorexic just because of what the media says. They should know that they’re beautiful and they’re already famous so there’s no need to be more famous.