Monday, April 7, 2008


6. Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?
There are a lot of events that are going around the world. One of the main events that affects a lot of people these days are Hollywood celebrities mostly in the United States. These celebrities are affected by both the criticism of the media and a lot of them are affected by us. What we don’t know is that we judge someone everyday without knowing who they really are. This issue has caused a lot of problems within a lot of people. This relates to the novel because society and the whole meaning of the bandwagon affects a lot of problems amongst people. So when Jack turned against Ralph, a couple of people were on Jack’s side. Jack seemingly a stronger leader than Ralph; one by one they were affected by the influence and pressure of joining Jack. This is just like our modern day society. The strongest one wins no matter what the problem is. Just like the modern day anorexic celebrities and models. They are influenced so much by the media because they have their pictures in magazines and they call them fat. You’re never really perfect to the media. You’re either too fat or too skinny, and I think that is a problem that is influencing too many people these days.
This problem should be resolved by the celebrities. If the media won’t stop their criticism, they celebrities should be an example by following their own ways. If they gained a little bit of weight, they shouldn’t starve themselves to be anorexic just because of what the media says. They should know that they’re beautiful and they’re already famous so there’s no need to be more famous.

1 comment:

brybry said...

I've never thought of this situation. The situation that I thought of was about the children soldier. The whole story reminded me of the current situation of children soldiers. But now that I read your post, it makes sense. Yes, celebrities are affected by other people's, the media's, etc. opinions. Just like that, as you said, the children in the island were affected by a powerful force, Jack. In that case, the powerful force in this current situation would be the media and the people's ideas. That's how celebrities are influenced. They easily get offended by the comments on the media, and try to become someone else, other than being oneself.

One question that I still have after reading your post is, "Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or fixed?" You explained a solution, but it didn't show how teh novel sheds light on the solution. YOu only explained how it should be solved, but didn't make a connection with the book. I wish I can know more specifically about how Golding's novel sheds light on how this current situation should be resolved.