Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Q. 3: Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed”?

A: This situation isn’t very recent, but is historical. It existed during the 1933’s. The Nazi soldiers were ordered to burn books that were against Nazi ideology. They too didn’t know what to do and they couldn’t rebel against Hitler or the army leaders because they would face a punishment so harsh, and possibly death. This very similarly relates with the situation in Guy Montag’s Case because he’s a so called fireman who burns books because his boss orders him to. Yet that boss isn’t the nucleus of the orderings. There’s a highest leader who commands them to because the ruler wanted the people to be for war and against anything else. It also has a significant similarity because in the novel and in the 1933’s it they found people who has those books and ordered them to be arrested and resulting in the books being all burned.

The closest to this event would be in North Korea. How the North Korean communist leader is in luxury when millions of people are starving on the streets with no freedom and no human rights. The most similarity is the killing of the Chrstians or religous people. They'd burn bibles along with people if they rebelled and protested. I wouldn't say there was any way to resolve or fix the situation but to just help the North Koreans out. Violance doesn't solve anything, but as we help the starving poor families in poverty, we should try and overthrow the North Korean leader.

Even though there aren’t any serious events that have occured, I think we should think about our present day life with books. If we didn’t have books we wouldn't have learned all the things we learn from books now. We should be happy how our country has alot of freedom and doesn't have the burning of the books. So we can read freely and anything we want.


TWIG-S said...

I agree with your statement Karin, I also am impressed of the relationship between the Nazis and the firemans, they are both so connectable. But I think that there would be a better idea on connecting the novel to current event. I think that that the persecutions on the Jews would be a much more better situation; Jews as the books, Nazis as the firemens. But I think that this is not a current event so It would be much more better to do a event that is happening These days.. ^^ But still I liked you connection.

I don't think it would be a good Idea to just overthrow the president of NK but I think there should be a different way to stop the poverty of North Korea, a more peaceful way.....

David Tu Sun Song said...

First the relationship between the Nazis and Fahrenheit 451 was good. I know there are not much current situation of burning books, but, you can think about the people's addiction of media in current society, and in the Fahrenheit 451 society. And I agree that violance will never solve the problems, and overthrow selfish communist leaders!. You did well and overall it is great! keep up the good work~!