Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fahrenheit 451 (continued)

Q. 4: Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

A: Some of the disturbing settings of the book was when the old woman would rather burn with her books rather than to just give up.Yet at the same time it was very memorable. The mood was dark, it was foggy, and there was tension all around the place. Guy Montag screaming and yelling to and frow trying to make a decision because the lady just wouldn't come out of her house. It was a point where he had to make his own decisions of whether he was going to set the place on fire or not. You could feel the dark tension between Montag the lady and even the fire. The fire was getting bigger and bigger, hotter and hotter, smokier and smokier. Finally Montag had no choice but to leave her. He saw her burn into flames and even thought it was disturbing image, it was very memorable.

You could feel the passion and how much she believed that literacy was something she really loved and if they were to be taken from her then she would have to go with them. That was just such a beautiful imagine and you could just fall in love with it. It makes you want to have something you really want to believe in too.

Another imagine that really got me to say it wasn't a fairytale ending but had alot of meaning into it was at the end. Guy Montag had gotten what he partially wanted because it was something he was truly fighting for. You could just vaguely imagine the last part of the setting. He had gone to a better place with better people who they too believed in the same things as he did. It was proabably the only time in the book where Montag fought for what he wanted and got what he wanted in the end because the mood wasn't gloomy and sad, it was more of resolution. You could feel all the tensions are loose and everyone was just happy with what they felt was right and all the hard aching pain has passed away because we got what we wanted to ourselves.

This got my attention because when you think of everyone fighting for what the believe in, sometimes you get them and sometimes you don't. Those few who truly fight for what is right and get them seem like heros to me. They would risk theri whole life to say what is right against the government and the whole community. It 's a very brave thing for anyone to do and in the end when the Montag got to know himself and the meaning of his life, it really touched me because i could see the difference of his happiness from the start of the book to the last.

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