Monday, March 3, 2008

Fahrenheit 451

Q. 6: Entry of your Choice :D

A: Fahrenheit 451 was one of the most unique books I have ever read in my whole entire life. It fascinates me even with the disturbing events and violence that have occurred in the book. It just changes my whole view point of how people would risk their lives to die for what they believe in. Whenever I heard about religious people dying for what they believe in and for their God, I always thought it was a brave thing to do and since I'm still not a real Christian I don't understand why it's so important to fight for what you believe in. But after I read this book i found the value of standing up for what you believe in. In my teenage life, you'd always have to do what everyone else does and think about what everything is criticizing about you. It really breaks a person's identity and their true colors wear off. I didn't think it was that crucial to not stand up for what you believe in because you could get into alot of trouble. It's not just with people, but possibly if you believe in something so strong that fights against the government, you could get arrested or killed.

I strongly admired Guy Montag when he finally stood up for what he believed in was right. It would be much better to follow the law and not get in trouble, but you'll always have that thought of regret. If it's something you truly truly believe it'll follow you for the rest of your life and want to go back to change the past. You shouldn't think about the past or the future, you should always think about the present day and what you're doing to live for the moment. I really got the feeling of doing what you think is right and believing in what you want to believe. I'm glad that I picked this book to read and relieved that there are many situations that can help me fight for what I want to believe in.


Clarion said...

Fahrenheit 451 is indeed a unique book. It also inspired me to think in a new way and imagine what it would be like to live in a dystopian world where books were banned and most people were brainless buffoons (alliteration not intended). I'm sure glad that I live in a non-dystopian world (although it looks like that may change).

I was disappointed to see that although Guy Montag was brave enough to stand up for what he believed in (books), Faber was too cowardly to do so, even though he was probably around 10 to the 400th power times smarter than Guy.

Here is some food for thought: do you think that it's really that important to stand up for what you believe in? Sure, I think that you should defend your beliefs at least a little bit. However, what if you go overboard and end up being discriminated by society for your beliefs? Is standing up for your beliefs still that important? What if doing so got you killed (e.g. religous martyrs in the past)? I'm not trying to tell you not to stand up for your beliefs. I'm just saying that standing up for your beliefs may not be as big of a deal as some people make it out to be.

Overall, I think that you did a decent job constructing this post. Keep up the good work.

Minkyu Cha said...

Ya, I think that Fahrenheit 451 is really a weird book, but is still a very deep book that deals with lots of themes that people still deal with in the present time.

And I like Guy Montag with the same reason as you where he stood up for things that he wanted to and influenced lots of people. It was good to see that as the novel was going on, he was free from the people that were controling him, that was just in him where he could not express his own feelings. But after he killed Captain Beatty, I think that he built up himself as a more brave person and just believe in himself, not believe in things that other people do. Which was really interesting that Ray Bradbury showed us the progress of Guy Montag and those are the reasons why I also like Guy Montag.

Kino said...

Faherenheit 451, is one of the books that I read that is very facinating and interesting and very unique I guess. The book provides a different point of view for me that books are ment to be read and let us develop in lot of different ways.

I like Guy Montag because he was very brave and stand up for what he believes. So, I want to be like him in some way that I am brave enough to stand up for myself.

sharon kim said...

i wish i had a strong belife too.
it is so hard these day to stick with what you believe.
I agree on how christians think that there religion is important.
it is amazing to hear about news about christian sharing God's word to other people and dying.
i wish i could have something that is really important enough to die gor in my life.

Salome Yom said...

This book was one of the most unique books I have ever read in my life as well! I also think that you need to stand up for what you believe because people will walk all over you if you don't do anything about it. I personally don't think that I have a strong faith in God but I am trying, like Montag, to seek for what I believe-God's world. I felt relieved when Montag finally found what he truely wanted and tried to fight for it. Good job on your post!